Haugh Family Photos at Holly Lake Ranch, TX

This past weekend I got to photography my cousin and her sweet family at Holly Lake Ranch in East Texas. It was such a blast, and we got some really great portraits of her family and children.

Looking at the pictures, you wouldn’t know that this was a tough session, but it definitely had it’s moments! It’s just par for the course when a toddler is involved. So we spent a lot of time chasing down the youngest one, while the girls picked flowers and explored. The thing about toddlers, is they don’t want to stay still and also don’t quite understand bribes yet. So while the older girls behaved with the promise of ice cream (I mean who wouldn’t smile for ice cream???), the toddler just wanted to run! With some patience and creativity, we got some really fun shots that truly show what life is like at this stage. The joy of all of them is evident, and I just loved getting to be apart of it!

My family grew up going to spend time with my grandparents in Holly Lake, near Hawkins, TX. My grandmother lives on the lake, so we live to fish, kayak, tube, water ski and just enjoy lake life! In the piney woods of East Texas, Holly Lake also is home to all sorts of wildlife, especially whitetail deer. I know the hunters in my family wish they could so easily spot deer while hunting as you can at Holly Lake Ranch. Other things we enjoyed as kids with my cousins were the nature trails, golf cart rides, swimming pools, basketball court, and putt putt. Truly, it is one of my FAVORITE places to go.

Now that I’m a stay at home mom, I try to visit my grandmother as often as I can, and I get to see my kids enjoy the lake and golf cart rides like we did as kids. An added benefit, is that my cousin now lives there as well, so we get to see her and her kids as well! Her son and mine are just a few months apart, so it’s nice that they get to play together (or fight over toys!) on some of our visits.

Megan and Hayden, thank you for asking me to take your pictures this year! It was a blast!

The girls are almost exactly one year apart and the sweetest of friends!

The girls are almost exactly one year apart and the sweetest of friends!

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Enjoying the Gift of Work